our team


Mental health is awareness of and control over your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Many factors can affect to your mental health and lead to illness, such as genetics and brain chemistry. Read More


“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

― Mahatma Gandhi

Kevin White

Founder, Chief Executive Office



Mr. Kevin White is the founder and CEO of The Ithiel Group. He is a true visionary, answering a call to provide employment opportunities to a disadvantaged community and bringing mental health support to the underserved. Under Mr. White’s leadership, the business has grown to into multiple shared living facilities and in home mental health support, with a more progress on the horizon.

Rashaad Bey, Esquire

Nikivias Goode, QMRP

Shannon Harris-Robertson, MSW, MPA

Legal Consultant

Harrison House

Program Manager

Clinical Director

Donna Harrison-Greenhill, RN

Monica D. Lucas

Takisha Robinson, MD

Psychiatric Nurse


Training Specialist

Medical Consultant

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